Sunday, 10 February 2013

Why Trade Forex and Binary Options

Why Trade the Forex and Binary Options, this is the Question.

1st of many things you need to consider before you even open an account with a Forex or Binary Broker is, How much Capital (Money) do I have to invest and More importanly How much Money am I and can I afford to Lose.

To behonest to really Trade the Forex and Binary Options you need to invest more than the so called Gurus tell you, sayings Like this "make 1000$ or 500pips a month, with as little as 5.$-100$"
This is a LIE, anyonw who has trade Forex or Binary Options on a daily bases knows this not to be true.

For the Forex Market you need to educate yourself, about how you will trade, will you NEWS trade Trend Trade, Daily trade, will you trade technicals or Fundamentals theses and many other ways to trade you not only need to learn, but also need to see if they meet the way you want to Trade.

One of the biggest Lies is make 1000$$$$ with only 50$$$ - 100$$$ trading account this just is not true - think about it if it was we would all have Millions in the Bank.

Don't get traped in theses Lies, the Forex is Not a short term get rich quick way to make 1000$$$, thats what Gamblers think and they lose big time.

Forex is Not Gamberling, it takes time to master many months even years, and even then the market is always changing.

You can make a profit in Forex with the right money managerment skills and education and training.

Not with 7$-97$ robots or fake signals YOU Lose YOUR BROKER WINS and the so called Guru WINS.

My recommenedation is to start a Forex Account with at least 1000$ depending on your Leverage and the lot size you will be trading with.

Remeber Forex Trading is not a Game you can profit from it but you can also lose more than your start up investment.

Forex Trading is not a pick up today come back next week thing, it take time training, education, on a daily basis, trading the Forex part time means you will lose Money.

You need to know the markets the currency pairs you want to Trade what moves them on world Markets, and you to do this on a daily, weekly and monthly basis to stand a chance to be a long term Trader.
Or else look forward to blowing OUT YOUR WHOLE ACCOUNT.


  1. nice article. your article really help to beginners who get trapped in the lie. you have told the truth here. very appreciate. earn through binary options is game of strategies. if we apply proper strategies.

    1. I am glad you enjoyed it, too many honest poeple trying to enter the Forex and Binary Market's are getting scammed, and losing all there trading account balance.
      Will be posting, with more info on my 3+ years of trading not only the Forex Market, but also Binary Options.
