Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Your Emotions And Forex Trading Don't Mix

Your Emotions And Forex Trading Don't Mix

The key to making money in the FOREX market is to avoid emotional decisions and to follow a carefully thought out Trading strategy that takes the current FOREX market and history into account. Going with your emotions or your gut is not the way to Trade the Forex market. Going with your gut could cost you money. Forex trading is a highly volatile market where emotions tend to run high. Emotions can influence your trading decisions, unless you have a strategy planned in advance, and stick to it, no matter what you think you're seeing at the moment. The keys to success in Forex are system, analysis and perseverance.
Most experienced traders will tell new traders that they need to develop a system — and stick to it no matter what. Letting your emotions rule your decisions can hurt your trading in a number of ways.
Your Trading system should tell you when to buy, what to buy, when to trade and what to trade for. By sticking to your system you'll maximize your profits. A system based on technical analysis of market trends is one of the most potent tools that you can utilize if you're just getting started in Forex trading.
Many Traders, with years of experience, continue to use this system to keep the profits rolling in.
Using a mechanical system will take the emotion out of your trading, stopping one of the reasons why people fail. Your system doesn't sway with emotions. It sticks to a tried and true course. To be effective, your Trading system, whether you develop your own or copy one created by someone else, should identify the entry and exit point of all your trades. In general terms this is as follows:
Under what conditions should you acquire a currency?
For instance, you may have a buy order for when a particular currency drops more than 5 pips because your analysis tells you that that's likely to be as low as it goes.
When should you trade one currency for another and for which one?
There are two reasons we need to exit Trades, to maximize our profits, or minimize our loss. That means we have a set stop-loss order and a set take-profit order at which point you cash out your trade.
What factors will I allow to change that decision?
While the Forex Markets moves in predictable patterns, there are always individual variations of a trend within those patterns. If you've taken those variations into account, it will be far easier to decide when a factor really does make a difference, and when it's just your emotions taking over again.
How will you trade out of a currency?
Your exit strategy may be as simple as a stop-loss order when my loss hits 5% or a take-profit order when I make 40% profit'.
Another key is perseverance. Analysis of trends in the market will show you that the market moves in dips and spurts within overall patterns that are predictable. No trend ever moves smoothly in an up or down line — there are always periods of time when values suddenly shot up or down based on some outside factor.
These are the times when emotion will hurt our Trading, and our account balance. When a currency that you're holding takes a sudden dip south, it's tempting to panic into trading, cut your losses and run even if your system tells you to hold on. On the other hand, it's easy to catch a rising trade, it starts increasing in value and we rush to buy more of the same. These are exactly the times to rely most heavily on our Trading system It will tell us exactly when to trade for maximum profit.
If we can control our emotions and stick to the system we have in place we will maximize our profits and all should be sound with with our Trading account, keeping loss very small.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Candle Sticks And Your Forex Account

Why Are Candlesticks Important to your Trading.

What is a Japanese Candlestick?

we will now dig in a little and discuss them more in detail. Let's do a quick review first.

What is Candlestick Trading?

Back in the day when Godzilla was still a cute little lizard, the Japanese created their own old school version of technical analysis to trade rice. That's right, rice.
A westerner by the name of Steve Nison "discovered" this secret technique called "Japanese candlesticks", learning it from a fellow Japanese broker. Steve researched, studied, lived, breathed, ate candlesticks, and began to write about it. Slowly, this secret technique grew in popularity in the 90s. To make a long story short, without Steve Nison, candlestick charts might have remained a buried secret. Steve Nison is Mr. Candlestick.

Okay, so what the heck are forex candlesticks?

The best way to explain is by using a picture:
Anatomy of a Japanese candlestick
Candlesticks can be used for any time frame, whether it be one day, one hour, 30-minutes - whatever you want! Candlesticks are used to describe the price action during the given time frame.

Why Are Candle Sticks Formed, Know your CandleSticks, Know How to trade the market, and it's trends, the candle are your Friend ONLY if you learn how to read them.

Candlesticks are formed using the open, high, low, and close of the chosen time period.

  • If the close is above the open, then a hollow candlestick (usually displayed as white) is drawn.
  • If the close is below the open, then a filled candlestick (usually displayed as black) is drawn.
  • The hollow or filled section of the candlestick is called the "real body" or body.
  • The thin lines poking above and below the body display the high/low range and are called shadows.
  • The top of the upper shadow is the "high".
  • The bottom of the lower shadow is the "low".
Hope you Enjoy reading, feel free to leave any coments, or share your trading Skills.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

The Binary Double up scam

The Binary Double up scam

so you want to trade Binary Options, you hear about all the hype, about all the 1000$ you can earn, this is the 1st alarm bell.
To earn the kind of money theses so called Gurus are talking about you would have to invest and risk 1000$ in capital and be prepared to lose some if not all of it.
This we call Gambling, and if you have this mind set KEEP Away from trading the Forex Market, or Binary Options, I can't repeat this enough Forex Trading Takes Time Money Management Education, and a very good Strategy.
This takes time, and during this period if you trade you will lose some of your investment.
Forget the Gurus there’s no getting back at the market, when you lose big, this mind set keeps you losing.
Set the time and amount you want to trade and STICK to this, discipline is KEY in Forex Trading.

So the Binary Double up Scam goes Likes this:

Trade 1 = 10$ you lose – 10$

Trade 2 = 20$ you lose – 20$ (30$ running lose)

Trade 3 = 40$ you lose – 40$ (70$ running lose)

you can easily lose 3 trades in a row with binary options especially when trading the 60 sec Options.

Now Trade 4.

Trade 4 = 80$ you win - you get back your 80$ trade + 75% of the 80$ = 60$

So in this example after 4 trades with the double up Scam you are out of pocket By 10$

Be very careful of So called Gurus selling this type of system or recommending Brokers it's a Scam where you LOSE and They Both Win.

People wanting to join Forex or Binary trading need to be reminded of this Scam, if you fall for it, be ready to lose your Account.

If Such a system Work then World Governments would have there own Traders Trading 24/5 with maximum trade sizes making millions.

No one person has the magic bullet to making millions if they did it would not be on the Net for 9$ -97$

Only people who Control the Forex and Banking Markets are the elite few Who CONTROL THE FLOW OF MONEY.

Too many New traders are falling victim to this type of Scam.

Feel free to leave a comment if you agree disagree or have any info to share on Forex and Binary Options trading.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Why Trading The Forex Is Not For Every One.

Why Trading The Forex Is Not For Every One.

Forex Trading is not a game, it's not gambling there is much to learn. In fact you never stop learning when it comes to Forex Trading.
It will take months to learn all the fundamentals of Trading the Forex, there are no short cut's No magic systems, robot's or indicator’s that are going to make you thousands of Dollars.
If you want to lose all your trading account, then listen to the so called Guru's and Dishonest Broker's who are more than happy to take your money.
Trading does take time education, good money management skills, having a plan when and why you trade.
Knowing when to stop trading, even when you lose, and yes you will lose money in the Forex Market's any who says you wont, turn around a run away from them, if you want to not only keep all your trading account.
Trading is no a part time pick up today and trade and maybe come back in a couple of days, or even next week to trade.
No you need to have a currency pair in mind say Like the most popular pair EUR/USD and stick with it, find a trading system that works for you, and the pair you are trading.
It take time to why any currency pair moves the way it does on the Global Forex Market, no robot, guru or indicator can do this for you, Only your own experience within the Forex Market, and self education will do this for you.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is being dishonest or wants to Sell you something.
Yes there are some very good Forex Indicators out there, but that’s what they are an indicator not 100% guarantee of what the any Currency pair will do.
Many factors move the Forex Market's.
What happens in the US, has a big impact on the Euro, Japan’s Monterey polices have huge effects on the currency markets and so on.
There is so much to learn, the good news is you will have the time, the Forex market is always there, it's end will come at the final collapse of the Major Global Currency and world economy.
Some say we are heading that way, but this is a smoke screen, are whole Monterey system is based on, and here is the reason why.

Money is an arbitrary invention to profit from debt. Banks and governments encourage individuals and countries to be in debt because the greater the debts, the more money they pocket. Not from the interest but from something called the Fractional Reserve Banking system. This is a scam that creates money out of thin air and brings in a profit of hundreds or even thousands of percent on all debts. This 'undeclared' money makes a few people rich beyond imagination. Once you (or a country) is in debt, you or it is a slave to be exploited and raped. This is why millions are spent tricking individuals and countries into debt - they don't care if it is never repaid.
Hence you see the connection with this and the Forex Market's.

So yes there is profit to be made, but it will take time to build up a trading system that you are happy with you may change your system many times according to the market, and your trading style.

Remember Forex Trading is not Gambling, unless you know why you are about to enter a trade, and when you are going to close it, and what has bought you to that decision based all the market conditions-then NEVER trade because if you do, you can kiss good bye to your hard earned money, and say hello to Gambling.

There is much to learn in trading the Forex Markets, just to mentation a few things you need to know, like,

How to Read a Forex Quote

What does it mean to go Long/Short

What is the Bid/Ask

What are Pips and Pipettes

And finally what are Lots, Leverage, and Profit and Loss

Theses are just a few basics things you will need to know to even start to thing about opening a live Trading Account.

The more you education yourself with the Forex market (I said Educate NOT Trade) the longer you will keep hold of your hard earned cash, then when you are ready to Live Trade, you will be in a far better position to trade, and keep your lose to a minim.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Why The Trend is Your Friend In Forex Trading

Why The Trend is Your Friend In Forex Trading!!!!

Trend lines in Forex Trading are probably the most common form of technical analysis. They are probably one of the most underutilized ones as well.
If drawn correctly, they will be as accurate as any other method. Unfortunately, most traders don't draw them correctly or try to make the line fit the market instead of the other way around.
In their most basic form, an uptrend line is drawn along the bottom of easily identifiable support areas (valleys). In a downtrend, the trend line is drawn along the top of easily identifiable resistance areas (peaks).

How do you draw trend lines?

To draw trend lines properly, all you have to do is locate two major tops or bottoms and connect th
Yep, it's that simple.
Here are trend lines in action! Look at those waves!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Why Not All Binary Brokers and Guru's are Honest

Just a Quick headsup if anyone is thinking of the lastest Trading (investing) fad, BINARY OPTIONS.
 The 60 Second Binary Option Scam
This stems from the fact that some binary option brokers offer a 'revenue share' to affiliates. The problem with this is that revenue is only earned if the client loses money! So, some unscrupulous website owners are offering free trading systems that look good and promise '100% guaranteed returns'. However, they have been deliberately designed to blow up the clients account with the result that the affiliate is guaranteed to pocket 35% of his clients deposit. The main one is a system that tells you to trade $5, $10, $25 and if you have three losing trades in a row, then trade $100 and you are certain to win! Why? You can easily have ten losing trades in a row without a sensible system. That will certainly lose you multiple $140 sooner or later, 35% of which will end up in the affiliate's pocket...

Don't get caught out in this lastest Scam this is nothing more than Gambling, and you will lose All of your Investment.

Be very Carefull of this Market, if you are not for you it will turn out like a weekend from hell in Las Vegas, were all you will be leaving with is the shirt on your back.

Binary Options is so very different from Trading the Forex be carefull.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Why When Trading The Forex Having The Right Broker Means Keeping Or Wiping out your Account

Now You have the amount you want to Invest (trade) be it 200$ - 400$ I recommeded at least a 1000$ or will find yourself with money managerment problems and margin calls (more about that Later).

So Now your Ready to trade, maybe you have been Trading a demo account for lets say 3-4 months, and you seem to be doing very well, well not to  burst your bubble almost every who has ever tried Forex Trading makes gains on a Demo Account, and then when they open a Live trading Account something seems to go baddly wrong (more again on this in later posts).

For this Reason it is Very Important to choose the Right Forex Broker, and yes there 100's of them all different in many ways.

Listed below is Three Quick things and there is more we all need to know when chooseing a Forex  Broker. (there are more very important things to consider as well More about this in later post's)

1. Trading Platform

In online forex trading, most trading activity happens through the brokers' trading platform. This means that the trading platform of your broker must be user-friendly and stable.
When looking for a broker, always check what its trading platform has to offer.
Does it offer free news feed? How about easy-to-use technical and charting tools? Does it present you with all the information you will need to trade properly?
Do you want to use a web based platform, or the popular Meta Trader 4 (5).
What Type of chart surport Does it offer, will you have to pay for this.
Does it allow EA's ??? (Expert Advisor)

2. Execution

It is mandatory that your broker fill you in the best possible price for your orders.
Under normal market conditions (e.g. normal liquidity, no important news releases or surprise events), there really is no reason for your broker to not fill you at, or very close to, the market price you see when you click the "buy" or "sell" button.
For example, assuming you have a stable internet connection, if you click "buy" EUR/USD for 1.3000, you should get filled at that price or within micro-pips of it. The speed at which your orders get filled is very important, especially if you're a scalper.
In this regard not all Forex Brokers are the same.
If there is a dely due to your Brokers Execution, your Order (trade) wont get filled at that price and the spread could widen limiting your profit, and causing you to pay a Higher Spread.
A few pip's makes all the difference to your profits, when you come to close the trade.

3. Customer Service

Brokers aren't perfect, and therefore you must pick a broker that you could easily contact when problems arise.This is very important if your internet Connection goes down.
The competence of brokers when dealing with account or technical support issues is just as important as their performance on executing trades. Brokers may be kind and helpful during the account opening process, but have terrible "after sales" support.
Hence you should be able to contact your Brokers and get the same servcie you had when you opened your Live Trading Account.
If Not the alarm Bells should start ringing.

Do your research remember It's Your Money, and you need to be 100% happy with any Broker you Choose to Open a Live Trading account With.

Feel free to ask as many Question as you like before parting with any off your Hard earned Cash.
If any Broker seems unhappy with any Questions you ask it's time to Walk Away.

Please feel free to leave your thought's, do you agree, have any thing to add it's all good.



Sunday, 10 February 2013

Why Trade Forex and Binary Options

Why Trade the Forex and Binary Options, this is the Question.

1st of many things you need to consider before you even open an account with a Forex or Binary Broker is, How much Capital (Money) do I have to invest and More importanly How much Money am I and can I afford to Lose.

To behonest to really Trade the Forex and Binary Options you need to invest more than the so called Gurus tell you, sayings Like this "make 1000$ or 500pips a month, with as little as 5.$-100$"
This is a LIE, anyonw who has trade Forex or Binary Options on a daily bases knows this not to be true.

For the Forex Market you need to educate yourself, about how you will trade, will you NEWS trade Trend Trade, Daily trade, will you trade technicals or Fundamentals theses and many other ways to trade you not only need to learn, but also need to see if they meet the way you want to Trade.

One of the biggest Lies is make 1000$$$$ with only 50$$$ - 100$$$ trading account this just is not true - think about it if it was we would all have Millions in the Bank.

Don't get traped in theses Lies, the Forex is Not a short term get rich quick way to make 1000$$$, thats what Gamblers think and they lose big time.

Forex is Not Gamberling, it takes time to master many months even years, and even then the market is always changing.

You can make a profit in Forex with the right money managerment skills and education and training.

Not with 7$-97$ robots or fake signals YOU Lose YOUR BROKER WINS and the so called Guru WINS.

My recommenedation is to start a Forex Account with at least 1000$ depending on your Leverage and the lot size you will be trading with.

Remeber Forex Trading is not a Game you can profit from it but you can also lose more than your start up investment.

Forex Trading is not a pick up today come back next week thing, it take time training, education, on a daily basis, trading the Forex part time means you will lose Money.

You need to know the markets the currency pairs you want to Trade what moves them on world Markets, and you to do this on a daily, weekly and monthly basis to stand a chance to be a long term Trader.
Or else look forward to blowing OUT YOUR WHOLE ACCOUNT.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Why Trade The Forex And Binary Markets

So If I was to tell you, that you could invest (Trade) 200$ and make 1000$ more by the end of the month. I'm sure like me the 1st question would Be, HOW followed by it's to good to be True.

Well with most Forex Scams Nearly 99.9%%% are designed to Do one One THING TAKE YOUR MONEY.

Would You trust me with your 200$ or even 1000$ to trade with having never meet me, and all I'm asking for is JUST and get this Just 7$ to make you 1000$ or I might ask you for 37$ 47$ and it goes on to 97$

If you had the formular to turn 200$ into 1000$$$ in a month all for just 7$ - 97$ you would have world leaders banging down your door to invest Millions - billions of dolloers.

Yes this would end most of the worlds money problems.

It's a simple point and I know world Money Problems are more complex, but you get the point.

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Forex Robots

Just a Quick Thought For Today to all you new traders out there, and anyOne Thinking of Trading the Forex/Bianry Market's.

Forex Thought For the Day:

Do a Google search On "Forex Robot's" 

Check Out HOW Many Pages there are under this Search Topic.
And Then Keep Thinking about the WHY.

If you have any Questions, or would like to leave a comment Feel Free.

Coming Soon, Giving my Real Life Trading With Binary Options, and Why It's the Brokers and the So called Gurus Next Big Thing.

Keep Asking yourself Why.

Why am I why do I want to trade the Forex/Bianry Markets, and then keep asking Why.

Why Do the Brokers Want me to trade why do the Guru Selling Robot, signal Service the list goes on.

WHY Do they all Want me to Trade.

So You Want to Tarde Forex

So Now you feel I'm ready to trade The Forex, You have read all the so Called guru Stuff Thought about Buying some of the Must New Robots/Software Thats Promise that with as little as 100$$ you can turn this into 1000$ in under a month, or even 100.000$$$ in under a Year.

You have looked at some brokers read a few reviews, maybe even tryed a Demo Forex Account, (Tell Did you win MOST if NOT all of your Trades).

You are thinking maybe I'll fund my account with say 200$$$$.

Now's the Time to STOP, and really think, about Who's money you want your money to be.

Reason for looking to trade Forex, Earn extra income in theses very HARD Times, Maybe you just have a genuine intrest in the Markets.

What ever the reason and there are many why People Choose the Forex the list is endless.

But the ONE Factor it all comes down to is $$$$$$$$$$.

At then end of the day the Forex Market/Binary Markets offer an oppertnity to make Money fast with very effort, remind you of anything yet (KEEP ASKING THE WHY IT BECOMES CLEAR)

A Question To ask any Broker you are going to Join, ask your new account manager, or person you speak with on the Phone, Have you ever Traded Would you ever Trade, and if the Market is as Fast and easy as the Guru's say and the robot's and software and 1000$$$$ course make it out to be.

Then why are you speaking with me on the phone, and not Trading yourself, Now ask this question again but to something very similar, ( I WONT SAY< BUT YOU WILL KNOW).

Question to ask your self as well:

If I lose Money in the Forex/Bianry Markets my Broker wins, I lose.

But get this Even If you Win A trade, YOUR BROKER NEVER LOSES, No Guru or Forex Site that Promtes Forex(I.E Selling Forex Robots and Brokers Sign Ups).
Will ever tell you this.

More Than 97% of New Trades FAIL and LOSE all If not Most of there Start Up Trading Account, and there is a reason for this, More About this Later.

Feel Free to agree, disagree leave a comment.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Thinking About Forex And Binary Options

Ask Yourself this what do Forex/Binary Brokers have in common with all the so called Gurus selling there next big Forex/Binary sorftware.

You know the 7$ -$97 software that will make you 1000$.

Well it's clear They Both want are Money.

Forex/Binary Brokers Love theses People they Know if such Software was out there for the little jo (us) trader they would be going broke.

They know millions of peopel trying to make extra income in todays ecommony fall for theses tricks daily.

Type in Google, type in CliclkBank and thats just a few.

See the millions of pages selling Us the Next Big thinig to make us Rich in the Forex/Binary Market.

I am not saying you can't and won't make money Trading but very few do less then 2% make a real livining. There is many reason for this, and on this bloog I will be happy to reveal why.

As I have stated I have been trading Forex for over 3 years and Binarys a year, So I speak from real Trading Not So Called Guru Selling Pages.

Ask Me Questions Leave Comments, I here to share information, to help millions of people out there who maybe are looking into the Forex/Binary Options, or are trading or looking to STOP trading.

Just remember If brokers were LOSING Thousonds of $$$$ a day to there clients, with 7$ - 97$ software I need not tell you the out come.

It's when you start to look with eyes of WHY do you see The HOW.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Question Ask About Forex Forums

Take a look at any Forex Forum, take a good look.

Now stop what did you see-did you see lots of good reviews, and yes a few bad.
Did you see lots of claims about the Forex Markets.

Well if you saw any off theses things - Then Guess what you were lokking at the wrong things on the page.

Why is this What really should have I seen, when looking at Any Forex Forum, or even a Forex Page.

Well take a Look at my Blogg the answer is there, and if you don't see it I will let the cat out of the Bag Tomorrow.

Just remember IF you want to start out in the Forex Binary Markets then keep this blogg Bookmarked, as I will hear be speaking about my 3+ years in this market and that of the New Binary Options as well.

If you have Question please ask, if you want to leave a comment please do, If you feel anything I have said you don't agree with please say why.

Before Trading ask yourself this Why Do I want to trade, and second Why do Brokers want me to trade.
Also Why has it become so easy to trade????

When you start looking onto the WHY about the Forex you begain to see a pattern forming.

More later hope you enjoy reading.

Are All Brokers The Same???

Thank you for your Comment-That maybe true of Some Brokers But not all having Traded for over 3 years with many Different brokers the truth is all are not the Same or even Honest, and when you look at the lack of Regulation in Binary So Called trading you can start to see the wood though the Tress.

Look at it this way though some brokers will claim and do have  STP - NDD, No Requotes, not all still opperate this way.
Questions we need to ask about our Broker

15 Questions You Should Ask Your Forex Broker.

The following 15 questions are basic Questions that your Forex Broker should answer without hesitation.
  1. How long have you been a Forex Broker?
  2. In what financial condition is your company? Will you show me your balance sheet?
  3. Do you have good relationships with reputable banks?
  4. Who is quoting the rates, my broker, a bank, or multiple banks?
  5. Are the spreads fixed of variable?
  6. How tight are the spreads?
  7. Do you offer Fractional Pip Pricing?
  8. Are there any trading restrictions?
  9. Can I place orders inside the Spread?
  10. Can I earn interest on positive rolls?
  11. Can I earn positive rolls at all margin levels?
  12. Are rollover rates displayed prominently? Where?
  13. Does the trading platform allow me to hedge?
  14. Can I lose more money than I put into my account?
  15. What is the quality and availability of customer service?

Friday, 25 January 2013

Binary Options Scam Or Not

Well Back for a Quick Update, Binary Options is the next big Thing, many haveing tried and lost large sums of money Trading Forex. Have Now been Introduce to it's replacement Binary Options.
Having Traded Forex for over 3 years and Binary Option over the last year.
The More you expose yourself to theses market's your eyes do One of two things.

1. They Become Open to the Truth Behined Theses Market's

2. Or You Blissfully Continue On in then.

So the question really is WHO are the winners in theses Markets.

Is it really Possible to Make Money or even Earn a Living From either of theses two Markets.

After over 3 Years in theses Market's, in this Blogg I Unviel My own Thought's and real life Trading.

Not internet Guru Marketing To only Take your Money, you wont Find any Links on my Bloog to any form of Forex marketing.

Feel Free to ask any Questions or leave Feed back.

Please if you are thinking of Starting in either of theses Two Markets STOP yes STOP for a Monment.

Please Read My Blogg and get the answer's to the Question No Forex Marketer Or Forex Broker Will Tell You.


The REAL Question is WILL YOU.

Binary Options Is it the way To Go Scam Or Not

There is Much Talk About Binary Options Trading if you can call it that.
Question is Why Now ?? Why are they So Popular and with Whom Traders Or Brokers Thats the Question.

Well Brokers are always Looking for ways to encourage Poeple to trade more as they make more Money from us.

So Who realy makes On Binary Trading You Or YOUR Broker.
I have been trading for over 3 years Now, and Trading Binary Options (if you can call this Trading)
I have come to a big realization about the Whole Forex And Binary Markets Because thats what they are, and markets For Who - Who wins and Who loses.

If you are looking to trade the Forex Or binary Options, ask your self theses Questions.

1. Why Do I want to trade.
2. Can I afford To trade.
3.Are Forex brokers/Binary Brokers any different from Casinos.
4.If it realy is easy to make the kind of money other so called Gurus Brag about why arent we all Rich.

Theses and many more Questions we all need to ask.

I will be updating this Blogg on the 3+ year's Of my trading, in an effort to Help anyone looking to trade Forex or Binarys.

Theses MARKET'S are not what they seem.